Positive Psychology - Ebooklet

Describes the origin and goals of the new “positive psychology.” Lists the factors that contribute to happiness and life satisfaction. Discusses the research findings related to happiness and life satisfaction. Lists several activities and exercises that can enhance happiness and life satisfaction.

Hour 1

  1.      Introduction
  2.      What Positive Psychology Is Not
  3.      Positive and Humanistic Psychology
  4.      What Positive and Humanistic Studies and the Methods Used


Hour 2

  1.      Happiness
  2.      Positive Thinking and Health
  3.      The Relationship Between Optimism and Pessimism
  4.      Strengths and Values


Hour 3

  1.      Values and Decision-Making
  2.      Mental Health
  3.      Resilience
  4.      Predictors of Healthy Aging
  5.      Relationships and Love
  6.      Conclusion


Learning Objectives

    1. Describe the origin and goals of the new “positive psychology.”
    2. List the factors that contribute to happiness and life satisfaction.
    3. Discuss the research findings related to happiness and life satisfaction.
    4. List several activities and exercises that can enhance happiness and life satisfaction.
Products specifications
Instructor B. Sternberg, Ph.D.
More Information About This Course: Positive Psychology accreditation
# of Pages 61
Contact Hours: 3
NCBTMB Contact Hours 3 (Not Approved for NY)
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