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Parkinson’s Disease & ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)

Identifies typical symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and ALS. Describes approaches to diagnosing Parkinson’s disease and ALS. Identifies available options for aiding patients with Parkinson’s disease or ALS, including medications, occupational and physical therapy, and assistive devices that may benefit a patient. Describes possible future therapeutic approaches for treating Parkinson’s disease and ALS.

Hour 1

    1.    Introduction
      1.    Parkinson’s Disease
      2.    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
    2.    Background of Parkinson’s Disease
      1.     Parkinson’s disease – epidemiology and etiology
      2.     Symptoms
      3.    Diagnosis

Hour 2

    1.    Parkinson’s Disease Treatment
      1.    Treatment
      2.    Rehabilitation and Adaptation
      3.    Adapting to changes in Normal Activities
      4.    Outlook for the future
    2.    Background of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
      1.     Epidemiology and Etiology
      2.     Symptoms
      3.     Diagnosis
    3.     ALS Treatment
      1.    Current and potential for the future
      2.    Supportive treatments: physical and occupational therapy
      3.    Communication Support: speech therapy

Hour 3

  1.    ALS Treatment
    1.    Psychological Support
    2.    Nutritional Support and Oral Care
    3.    Respiratory Support
  2.      Conclusion Parkinson’s disease and ALS


Learning Objectives

  1. Identify typical symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and ALS.
  2. Describe approaches to diagnosing Parkinson’s disease and ALS.
  3. Identify available options for aiding patients with Parkinson’s disease or ALS, including medications, occupational and physical therapy, and assistive devices that may benefit a patient.
  4. Describe possible future therapeutic approaches for treating Parkinson’s disease and ALS.
Products specifications
Instructor J. Coggin, M.D.
Contact Hours: 3
# of Pages 51
More Information About This Course: Parkinsons Disease & ALS accreditation
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