Memory, Forgetfulness, & the Brain - Streaming Video only *NO CE - 6 hours

Describes the essential components of forming, storing, and retrieving memories. Lists practical ways that perception, time, emotions, stress, and sleep affect memory. Discusses the differences between normal forgetting, age-related memory decline & amnesia syndromes. Lists the common lifestyle factors, medical conditions and medications that can compromise memory. Describes useful strategies to preserve memory & help patients and caregivers cope. Describes how information in this course can be utilized to improve patient care and patient outcomes. Describes, for this course, the implications for dentistry, mental health, and other health professions.

 ** Syllabus file will be added to your cart with this item.


Part 1

  • Memory and the Brain: Forming, Storing, and Retrieving Memory.

  • Memory and Behavior: How Perception, Thinking, and Emotions Influence Memories.

  • Declarative and Procedural Memory: How We Remember Facts and Movements.

  • Episodic and Semantic Memory: How Time Affects Memories.

  • Sleep Well and Remember Well: The Importance of Sleep in Strengthening Memories.

  • “Flashbulb “Memories of Emotional Events Like 9/11: How Accurate Are They? Do These Memories Change Over Time?

  • How Stress Affects Memory and Controversies Around Memory: False Memories, Eyewitness Testimony, and Recovery of Repressed Childhood Memories. Memory and Survival.

  • What is Confabulation? Is it a Memory Disturbance or a Deliberate Lie?

  • How We Retrieve Memories: Free Recall vs. Recognition. Re-Retrieval and Re-Consolidation.

  • Why Do We Forget? Is Forgetting Necessary? Decay vs Interference.

Part 2

  • When We Cannot Forget: Memory Savants and PTSD “Flashbacks.”

  • The “7 Sins of Memory”: Why Memory Fails Us When We Need It.

  • The Effects of Aging on Memory: Normal Forgetting, Age-Associated Memory Impairment, and Mild Cognitive Impairment.

  • Do We Know When Memory is Declining? Are Self-Administered Tests of Memory Reliable?

  • Ways to Improve Memory and Minimize Decline: Healthy Living and Lifelong Learning.

  • Types of Amnesia: Psychogenic vs. Organic Amnesia. Dissociative Amnesia (DSM-5) and Multiple Personality (Dissociative Identity Disorder). Anterograde, Retrograde, and Post-Traumatic Amnesia. Transient Global Amnesia.

  • Severe Amnesia Syndromes: Wernicke- Korsakoff Syndrome and Herpes Simplex Encephalitis.

  • Common Medical Conditions and Memory Loss: Anemia, Thyroid Disorders, Sleep Apnea, Anxiety & Depression Heart Disease, Prolonged Anesthesia, and Post-Hospital Syndrome.

  • Medications, Memory Loss, & Reversible Memory Disorders: The Obvious Culprits: Drugs, Alcohol, Smoking, Chronic Stress, Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus, Sleep Disorders, and Dietary Deficiencies.

  • How Memory Loss Compromises Dental Care: Treating Patients With Memory Loss And Dementia.

  • Helping Patients and Caregivers Cope.

Learning Objectives

  1. describe the essential components of forming, storing, and retrieving memories.
  2. list practical ways that perception, time, emotions, stress, and sleep affect memory.
  3. discuss the differences between normal forgetting, age-related memory decline & amnesia syndromes.
  4. list the common lifestyle factors, medical conditions and medications that can compromise memory.
  5. describe useful strategies to preserve memory & help patients and caregivers cope.
  6. describe how information in this course can be utilized to improve patient care and patient outcomes.
  7. describe, for this course, the implications for dentistry, mental health, and other health professions.

* Please note that when you add this product to your cart, it will also add the Syllabus as a separate item (at $0 cost.) Please do not remove the syllabus from your cart as it is part of the files that you will have access to for download.

Products specifications
Instructor M. Howard, Ph.D.
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